Circling seven times counter-clockwise on the Hajj (Chag)
word "Hajj" comes from the word "Chug" which means circle or to wrap
around. This applies both to the custom of encircling as well as to the
year itself, which circles through the season.
RABBI BEN ABRAHAMSON: In being here this evening it reminded me, since all the time I talk about history, it reminded me 2000 years ago the Jewish kings expanded the Temple Mount, Haram Al-Sharif. Basically there were 3 courts. There were the courts for the Priests, the courts for the Israelites and the courts for the nations. The courts for the nations they made very large, they intended that there should be many many believers with the yireh shomaym, the Fearers of God. They should come from Arabia, from Parthia, from Persia, from Syria, there should be Bedouins. All of them should come together with the Jews during the Tabernacles holiday and they should all pray together and in what we call in Hebrew the Chag or in Arabic it’s called the Hajj. They would all pray together and worship together in beauty and holiness. And in some small way this evening, we are seeing the children of the children of these people who worshipped together, sitting together at this table, together with unity and speaking words of God and promoting the devout faith in each other. This is what we call in Judaism B’nai Noah Teachings, which I’ve talked about with everybody here. and I hope that Messiah will come quickly, together we’ll celebrate in Jerusalem all in peace and devotion.
Additional Notes
When Herod became king of Judea, he enlarged the area of the Temple Mount to allow for over a million Jewish and non-Jewish pilgrims during the course of the Tabernacles holiday (see illustrations, and Jewish Antiquities, Book 15, Chapter 11, 382-387)

During the holiday, Jews and non-Jewish “Bnei Noah” would circle the Altar seven times, outside of the soreg (fence) that separated the court of the Israelites from the court of the nations.

Pilgrims join processions of hundreds of thousands of people, who simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of rituals: Each person walks counter-clockwise seven times about the Ka'bah.
Memang tidak mudah sih, tapi klo ada terjemah bahasa Indonesia nya yg bagus dan teliti jadi kami bisa mengerti dg jelas baik arti dan tujuan dari masalah tsb, apalagi akhir2 ini kita selalu di diskredit kan oleh mereka yang anti sama Islam, tolong dipikirkan dan terimakasih sekali atas pengertiannya dan bantuannya Wassalam